
The battle of the neighborhoods

Introduction The project is done for the client “Cuppa-Bliss Inc” since they wanted to open a new branch of their coffee shops in New York city. We were asked to find out the top 5 neighborhoods where they could open a new shop. Data The data required is the location of the coffee shops in each neighborhood. To gather the information we used the neighborhoods information from the JSON file provided and we used four squares to find how many coffee shops are there. Methodology With the data as described above, we did the data preparation first. Along with the JSON file, we used four squares to find how many coffee shops are there. Then we filtered the neighborhoods with more no. of Coffee shops, and got a list of neighborhood with only one coffee shop available. Also, the client mentioned that they would not want to open the coffee shop where there is a StarBucks in the area. We also excluded the areas with StarBucks on the analysis. Finally  the k me...

Facebook's new feature : "Check In"

The social-network giant facebook's new feature "Check in" now allows its mobile users to let their friend know where they are, just by tapping a button. The company representative Michael Eyal Sharon has written "Starting today, you can immediately tell people about that favorite spot with Facebook Places. You can share where you are and the friends you're with in real time from your mobile device." in the facebook blog .  It was announced just yesterday, at Aug 18th, 2010. This feature is not yet being used bu the massive population of facebook users.  Although, the company and its staffs seem to be looking forward to the very positive responses, only time will say, how the people react and how will they adopt this new feature.

Sorting Gridview columns in Asp .NET

I like the gridview control most, to display the data of the database table at the webpage. It has so many features and extensions, which makes programming easier and interesting. In this article I will show you the method to sort gridview columns. First of all, define the grid view control as follows: (You can have your own colors and formats, but do not forget to mention AllowSorting ="True" and mention the function name in onsorting property as onsorting ="OnSort” . Onsort is the name of my function, you can have some other name of the function) < asp : GridView   ID ="mygrid"   runat ="server"   CellPadding ="4"   ForeColor ="#333333"   AllowPaging ="True"   AllowSorting ="True"   AutoGenerateColumns ="False" PageSize ="15"   style ="position: static; clear: both; display: block;"   onsorting ="OnSort">   < Columns > < asp : BoundField   DataField =...

“Apple tablet”: How will it look like?

People are talking about “Apple tablet”. We can see so many news, views, rumors and speculations regarding “Apple tablets” these days. Many designers are sketching their ideas of Apple tablet. I googled “apple tablet” and saw so many pictures about the product which is not even released. I am wondering what will be the name of the tablet, may be something like iTablet (like iPhone, iPod. People are also saying that the name might be iSlate). This might be the fusion of iPod and iPhone in one, or might be way more powerful and useful than those, or might be just another model of Mac book Pro. I am also wondering how this highly anticipated gadget will look like. Will it look like one of these ? Will it bring a new technological breakthrough or it will be just another gadget? I hope Mr. Jobs announces the new gadget soon, and I will get all my answers. :-)


- "I do not fear computers. I fear lack of them". Isaac Asimov - "Artificial Intelligence usually beats natural stupidity".Author Unknown - "Physics is the universe’s operating system." Steven R Garman - "I sit looking at this damn computer screen all day long, day in and day out, week after week, and think: Man, if I could just find the 'on' switch..."  Zachary Good. - "Hardware:  where the people in your company's software section will tell you the problem is.  Software:  where the people in your company's hardware section will tell you the problem is."  Dave Barry - "The question of whether computers can think is like the question of whether submarines can swim." Edsger W. Dijkstra -"The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge."Stephen Hawking - "Any fool can use a computer.  Many do." Ted Nelson - "Computing is not about compute...

Passing parameters programmatically to Crystal report

It is very easy to pass the parameters in Crystal reports editing the crystal reports ( just by adding the required parameters on the report and making "EnableParameterprompt = "True" " in the properties of the crystal report viewer. , but it has several drawbacks, like the parameters do not get added to the report automatically, we can not really modify the interface of parameter prompt and so on.  Today we are discussing about the parameter passing to crystal reports  programmatically.   In .aspx page, drag the control to ask for the parameters and drag the control for Crystal report viewer as follows: < table > < tr >< td style ="vertical-align: top; text-align: left; height: 21px;">< asp : Label ID ="lbl1" runat ="server" Text ="Choose the semester" style ="vertical-align: top; text-align: left" /> td > < td style ="height: 21px; vertical-align: top; text-align: left;...